Use the flight times to answer the questions.
Flight Times
Toronto - 8 pm
Montreal - 7 pm
Vancouver - 4 pm
Ottawa - 9 pm
Edmonton - 11 am
Calgary - 6 pm

1. The flight to Calgary is __________ the flight to Edmonton.
a) before
b) after

2. The flight to Toronto is __________ the flight to Vancouver.
a) before
b) after

3. The flight to Ottawa is __________ the flight to Calgary.
a) before
b) after

4. The flight to Edmonton is __________ the flight to Vancouver.
a) before
b) after

5. The flight to Montreal is __________ the flight to Toronto.
a) before
b) after

6. The flight to Toronto is __________ the flight to Edmonton.
a) before
b) after

7. The flight to Ottawa is __________ the flight to Montreal.
a) before
b) after

8. The flight to Edmonton is __________ the flight to Toronto.
a) before
b) after

9. The flight to Calgary is __________ the flight to Vancouver.
a) before
b) after

10. The flight to Montreal is __________ the flight to Ottawa.
a) before
b) after

Prepositions of Time Test

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