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New Year's Eve Videos

New Year's Eve is a
special time in many
countries. There are
many movies that take
place on New Year's Eve,
perhaps because many
believe it is a special and
romantic day.  

The videos below are
some of the most
famous movies about
New Year's Eve.  
Music to Practice
New Year's Eve (2011)

This movie has many famous actors, like Zac Efron, Jon Bon
Jovi, Halle Berry, Ashton Kutcher, and and Hilary Swank.

Enjoy the trailer below!
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

This famous movie is about a girl looking for love.  She meets
the man of her dreams at a New Year's Eve party.  Will they
fall in love?  Watch the trailer below to see more.
Happy New Year Charlie Brown (1986)

The most lovable loser, Charlie Brown, has another holiday
adventure.  This time, it is New Year's Eve.  This special ran on
TV in 1986.  The videos below are clips from the show.  You
can see the children at the New Year's Eve party.
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